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Notice of Merger – Three AM and Identiti Web Development

As you may be aware, back in 2019, Simon and Scott Gill acquired Identiti Web Development Pty Ltd. For the past 4 years, we have been running both Three AM Web + IT and Identiti Web Development as standalone entities.

We are now taking steps to merge the two businesses together, which will help to simplify our accounting systems and provide improved efficiencies.

Very little will change – our trading names will remain the same, and there will be no changes to staff or our contact details. The only change will be that the Three AM ABN will no longer be active and our primary bank account details will be different. If you are an existing client of Three AM, all future communication will continue to be through our Three AM email accounts, and all invoices will still be Three AM branded.

Starting from September 11 2023, invoices to our Three AM clients will be updated to reflect these changes. Due to many recent ‘change of bank account’ invoicing scams, we encourage our clients to manually verify the change of banking details with either Scott or Simon via phone or direct email, or by viewing this notice.

If you have any questions, please direct them to:

Simon Gill
Office: 08 8121 9344
Mobile: 0413 898 203

Old bank account details:
Account Name: three am design
BSB: 105-120
Account Number: 029 677 740

New bank account:
Account Name: Three AM Identiti
BSB: 105-900
Account Number: 985 051 340

Old ABN:
60 406 630 036

New ABN:
44 143 495 961

Key Dates:

  • September 7 2023 – Notice of merger announcement [Complete]
  • September 11 2023 – Three AM invoices and reminders will be sent with updated business name, bank details, and a copy of this merger notice [Complete]
  • November 1 2023 – ‘three am design’ and ‘Three AM Web + IT’ business names transferred to Identiti Web Development ownership [Complete]
  • June 30 2024 – Old bank account closed